Slalom Dribble Relay

Slalom Dribble Relay

Similar to the dribbling relay, the slalom dribble relay is a great way for players to work on dribbling skills by weaving in and out of cones.

Set Up

Set up relay lines with cones and divide players into even teams. This warm-up works best when there are 3-6 players in each relay line.

How It Works

To get players warmed up, begin by having players slalom dribble through the cones to the other side and back at a lighter pace. Once players are warm have the teams compete in relay races. Coaches can specify different types of dribbling such as inside of the feet only, outside of the feet only, left foot only, right foot only, etc. Once a player finishes their leg of the relay have them sit down to keep track of who has gone. The first team with all of their players sitting down wins. To help players warm up, coaches can also have players do different exercises when they get back before they sit down such as a specific number of jumping jacks, body weight squats, push ups, or sit-ups.

Coaching Points

Perform multiple relays and keep track of how many relays each team has won. If one team is dominating shuffle the teams to keep things interesting. If players take a bad touch and lose control of their ball, allow them to run and pick up the ball with their hands and bring it back to the spot where they lost control.

Similar Drills

If you like the slalom dribble relay, be sure to take a look at these other drills to help players improve their dribbling skills:

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