6 Reasons Foam Rolling Is Great For Athletes

If you’re not foam rolling, you could be missing out on a range of health and performance benefits. Also known as ‘self myofascial release’ or ‘self massage’, foam rolling has become increasingly common in recent years for good reasons. When utilized correctly, foam rollers can be a great tool to reduce tension in tight, overactive muscles. In addition, it is a great way to ward off aches and pains and prevent muscular imbalances that can hamper athletic performance. If you’re still not convinced, here are six reasons to use a foam roller.

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7 Qualities of Great Team Captains

When team captains perform their duties well, it can make a big difference for their team. People rally around those who inspire them to dream more, do more, and become more which is why natural leaders are such an asset. With that being said, although leadership ability comes more naturally to some than others, there are common traits that great leaders share which can be embodied by anyone who desires to be a team captain and make a positive difference for their team.

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